To those of you still reading this blog, I thank you. However, there hasn't been much to read. You know, all zero posts in the past 10 months. I do have to say that I am sorry, but this post is also proof that I survived my first year of teaching (a post for that is soon to follow). It is done, and it is summer! Cue dance party!
In all actuality, I am reading everything I can get my hands on (book review posts soon to follow), and I'm taking on a new challenge. In addition to posting book reviews, I will be attempting to cook from Gordon Ramsay's Home Cooking. One recipe a day until I complete the entire book (or until the summer ends).
You may as me, "Why Gordon Ramsay?" And I shout in reply, "Have you seen the force of nature that is Gordon Ramsay?!" The man is so extremely passionate about cooking that I cannot deny myself this experience. I want to have that passion as well. I have that passion about reading and teaching, but I want to infuse that attitude in all aspects of my life.
Also, it will make me post every single day. I will then become a better writer, a better cook, and a more diligent blogger.
More to come!